DOB Day 5: Skating Through My Day

I don’t know why I’m so tired tonight. Thinking back over my day … I did an interview, some writing and recorded a video piece. On paper, that does not sound all that tiring.

But wait …

8 am – wake up (surprisingly tiring act this morning)

9 am – head out to meet my producer, Ashly, in front of our apartment for a 9:15 pickup

With one of my favorites - and future Olympian - skateboarder Leticia Bufoni.

With one of my favorites – and future Olympian – skateboarder Leticia Bufoni.

9:30 am – continue waiting for van

10:00 am – still waiting (mentally tiring)

10:15 am – in van; sitting in traffic (frustratingly tiring)

11:15 am – arrive at Nike athlete compound — a private, secluded golf course that’s been transformed into an Olympic Shangri-La — to meet up with skateboarder Leticia Bufoni and interview her about skateboarding’s addition to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. “Help” Ashly set up camera equipment

12 pm – continue to wait for Leticia, who has texted that she’s gotten out of her own stuck-in-traffic van and is now skateboarding to another van farther up ahead (stop yawning, it’s noon!)

12:30 pm – still waiting, filling time by doing round-offs and handstands in front of a giant “Just Do It” sign and eating lunch amongst Nike volunteers and Olympians. (I FOUND PEANUT BUTTER! ENERGIZING!)

When in Rio ...

When in Rio …

1 pm – interview Leticia, set up future interviews, tour Nike athlete experience, where athletes load up on free swag, run on a treadmill in a room full of mirrors (can’t at the moment remember why) and play table tennis and foosball

3 pm – wake up van driver to head back to the media center (seeing him asleep has made me sleepy)

4 pm – arrive at media center, appx. 5 miles away

4:15 pm – agree to walk to the Olympic Superstore with Ashly to buy stuffed animal swag & “wake up”

4:45 – arrive at Superstore to find two-hour line. freak out. walk back to media center (feet are tired)

5:30 – meet the ESPN crew at the media center and sit down at my computer for the first time today to transcribe, EAT!, write and answer e-mails (doing well until post-food coma hits)

8 pm – head to the broadcast center to record tonight’s video with Julie

The Nike running room of mirrors

Standing in the Nike running room of mirrors and laser lights

9 pm – still waiting to record video. hungry again (fading)

9:30 – attempt to stay awake by allowing Brazilian makeup artist, Isabella, to fix my face again. tonight, she chooses a shade of 24-hour lipstick to match the color of my eyeballs

10 pm – actually record video preview of day 2 with Julie

10:30 pm – wait for a van to take us back to our apartment

11 pm – still waiting (I might fall asleep at my desk)

11:30 pm – still waiting. notice I’m almost at 14,000 steps

zzzz … zzz … zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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