DOB Sochi!

It’s back! (Starting tomorrow.) The fourth installment of my bi-annual Daily Olympics Blog. Over the next three weeks, I’ll check in each day with links to my stories, as well as my favorite stories from other writers and photographers here in Sochi and bring you behind the scenes as I cover the 2014 Winter Olympics. Just don’t ask me to take you outside the Ring of Steel.

If you’re really bored (or you’re my mom), check out my previous DOBs. It’s hard to believe Sochi will be my fifth Olympic Games. And my gymnastics coach said I didn’t have enough focus.

torchLondon 2012: READ HERE

Vancouver 2010: READ HERE

Beijing 2008: READ HERE

(I didn’t yet have a blog in Torino 2006, so here’s a mag piece I wrote with our snowboard gold medalists: READ HERE )

*If you have ideas for blogs this month, or if there’s anything you’d like to know about life here in Sochi/Adler/Krasnaya Polyana, let me know!

Twitter: @espn_alyssa // Instagram: @alyroe // email:

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