D1: A Blog A Day? Starting … Now.

There’s no time for blogging!

I can’t tell you how many times a week I have this thought. I want to write. I have ideas for posts. Yet I sweep them away and move on to my “real writing,” the stuff that pays the bills.

But, looking back, some of my favorite pieces of writing were written for this blog, and I’ve had more fun writing many of them than I have grueling over the stories I know will be edited and re-edited and read by a whole lot more folks than read this blog. (Hi: Mom.) Still, I have a hard time letting go and treating this site like a blog: an informal website, a diary, a dump for all forms of writing. Poems, diary entries, essays, short and long-form stories, profiles, photo galleries. Instead, I don’t sit down to blog unless I have something “meaningful” to say and the time to craft a story, and after I have had an experience I feel is worthy of writing about. But I can check those boxes in 250 words or 15 minutes or in a photo gallery. At least that’s what I’m telling myself.

So I’m beginning an experiment. Or perhaps I should say I’m extending one. For the past six years, I’ve blogged every day during the Olympics. I started in Beijing in 2008, and then continued writing daily about the behind-the-scenes of covering the Olympics in Vancouver and London. I do the same at some of the X Games and bigger events I cover and I plan to do the same in Sochi next Feb. If I can find time in those already insanely packed days to write an extra blog, then I’m pretty sure I can do the same every day outside of those big events. It will be an experiment in discipline and creativity and brevity. Like Twitter. Only more fun. (I don’t even Tweet every day! Maybe this will be tougher than I think!)

But I’m going to try.

Starting today, I’m going to attempt to blog every day for a year. Some days will be better than others and hopefully some entries will be great. Hopefully they will all give you a bit of insight into the life of a sports journalist and broadcaster, and into the mind of me.


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