Oh, Mother!

Last weekend, more than 90 inches of snow fell onto California’s Mammoth Mountain, bringing the resort’s total snowfall to a staggering 600+ inches … and I was there to witness it.

Now, that amount of snowfall is great for a day of powder riding, but not so great for a snowboard contest. I was in Mammoth for the Roxy Chicken Jam, the only all-women’s halfpipe and slopestyle contest in the country. Unfortunately, the slopestyle contest was cancelled due to high winds and although the halfpipe contest was held on Friday, none of the pro riders competed.

Still, it was a fun weekend – Sunday laps of chair 12 made me very, very happy – and I believe the event organizers made the most of a very tough situation. Mother Nature just didn’t cooperate this year. She’s been pretty busy lately, though. Maybe she forgot.

Check out my ESPN.com story on the event HERE.

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