VWO (Day 8) – New Beginnings

I feel like a new person today. It is amazing what a good night’s sleep and a shower will do for a person.

This morning, women’ snowboardcross finals were delayed because of rainy conditions and heavy fog at Cypress Mountain. It seems Mother Nature may never cooperate with the Olympic event schedule, which is unfortunate. (For everyone but Lindsey Vonn and her shin, that is. Today, my story on the outpouring of home remedy suggestions for Lindsey Vonn’s ailing shin was one of the top stories on ESPN.com. To check it out, click here.) It also brings up the question of whether the Olympics should choose a few venues to rotate between, like the NFL does with the Super Bowl, or one permanent venue like the X Games does, and stick with it. Cities where there is — oh, I don’t know — snow in the winter.



To pass the time while the fog cleared, I checked out the halfpipe and previewed Wednesday’s men’s halfpipe final for espn.com/action. Check that out here.

To read my story on the snowboardcross race, which was won by Maelle Ricker of Canada, click here. Of course, the story isn’t on Ricker. It’s on Lindsey Jacobellis. Because win or lose, she is always the story.

Back at the MPC this evening, I made a few observations …

* The Canadian volunteers like to refer to me as “ESPN.” As in, “Have a nice day, ESPN.” Sort of like your high school softball coach calling you by your last name.

* The French Canadian volunteers, however, refer to me as “Mademoiselle.” As in, “Après que vous, Mademoiselle.” (“After you, Miss.” Said, of course, while holding open a door.)

* Smoking is not allowed in the MPC. (Although, as I mentioned earlier, drinking is encouraged.) However, many members of the foreign media sit working at their computers while chomping on unlit cigars. Must be a European thing.

* I hate the smell of hot dogs.

* Where are all the women? Not covering Olympic sports, apparently.

After I turned in my story, I headed to BC Place in Vancouver to meet up with friends and watch the medal ceremony for men’s snowboardcross. Very emotional, cool little show they put on over there. After the ceremony, we met up with more friends for the best sushi dinner yet. Tojo’s!!! Apparently, the chef invented the California roll. Very fancy. The food was amazing, as was the company. After dinner, we went to the USA House to meet up with more friends (It’s a friend-a-thon!) and members of the US team for a little drinking and socializing and picture taking and … wait for it … wait for it … camera losing!

Wouldn’t be an Olympics if I didn’t lose something, right? Unfortunately, that means I can’t post photos from last night. But trust me. They were really fun!

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