Knee Deep in Sleep

Today was an awake day. Not a “woke” day. An awake day. As in, I woke up at 8 am, went to physical therapy, spent most of the day on my computer doing actual work with a clear mind and now, at 9 pm, I am still awake. And writing! For the first time in…

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Knee Deep: Fighting the ACL Blues

A friend and colleague recently sent me a link to an article about ACL Depression Syndrome.  In five simple words, he warned me, “Alyssa, for you to avoid!” I thought it was an odd note, considering I don’t know many people who would categorize me as someone who is easily struck by the blues. So…

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Knee Deep: Moving the Start Line

This week, I’ve been thinking a lot about starting lines. The excitement of them, the build-up to them, the promise they hold. For the past two months, I’ve been working toward a start line of my own. This Friday, Oct. 13, was supposed to be my surgery date. Two months of rehab and icing and…

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Knee Deep: Focus on Focus

Over the past two weeks, I’ve spent a lot of time around athletes and the people who care for them. I spent four days in Park City at the Team USA Olympic media summit, three days in Newport Beach at the espnW Women + Sports Summit and four days in Aspen hosting The Meeting. As…

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Knee Deep: An ACL Journal (Journey)

Six weeks ago, I earned membership in a club I never wanted to join. To be honest, I can’t think of a club I’ve ever wanted to join. Maybe it’s a side-effect of a lifetime spent participating in team sports. But when a friend mentions joining a “running club” or a “surfing meet-up,” I balk…

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